Written by Monica Krake, Founder of Head + Heart. Connect with her here.
Exploring an Akashic Records Reading
The Akashic Records are a way to access the energy and knowledge that’s always around us. In December, I was on fire with goal setting for 2022, and was curious what the Akashic records might reveal, regarding my specific plans and goals for the new year.
If you’re new to the Akashic world, here’s a great explanation of the Akashic Records and how they work:
“Understanding the Akashic Records starts with understanding that everything is energy. Everything. Your soul. Your beliefs. The company you’ve created or work for. Concepts like Love, Transformation, Purpose, or any other idea you can name, is energy. What’s solid—cars, bodies, houses, the slightly wobbly table at your favorite coffee shop—is simply a flow of energy that has combined with intention in order to form a three-dimensional shape you can touch, taste, hear, see, smell, or sense. Because your soul is energy, you are connecting with the flow of your own soul when you access the Akashic Records. And because energy flows and connects without limitations, your soul can connect with the energy of everything: past, present, and potential. In other words, the information that comes through your Akashic Records is from your soul and its connection to the flow of universal energy.” – Maribeth Stephens, Akashic Balance.
I’d been hearing great things about Maribeth Stephens, a gifted Akashic Records intuitive who is a down-to-earth, approachable, almost soccer-mom type who used to work as a writer and producer for radio and TV news before launching a long career in corporate communications. Being enveloped in the corporate world, she’d get intuitive hits but either ignored them or didn’t feel comfortable sharing them. (A far too common experience of many who haven’t yet learned to listen to their voice of intuition!) A few years ago, though, the urge was too strong to ignore, and she started publicly sharing her intuitive gifts.
How an Akashic Records Reading Works
If you’ve never done an Akashic reading, here’s how my session with Maribeth went. We started with a little chit chat + introduction, then Maribeth led us into a guided meditation to open up my Akashic Records, and in this open, meditative space, I had the opportunity to ask specific questions about my plans/life, and to receive guidance from my Akashic Records. . She explained that the answers from the Akashic Records are potentials, and that an Akashic Records reading is one way to understand the energetic potentials of the current moment and where those potentials could take you based on your free-will choices and beliefs.
I asked Maribeth about Head + Heart’s growth/expansion, and how to have more balance with my work. In response to each question I asked, Maribeth received an image, and shared her intuited, channelled insights from the Akashic records.
Overall, the takeaways she shared with me helped to strengthen my own intuition, and her insights were incredibly supportive and resonant.
My Akashic Records Reading Takeaways
- She shared that Head + Heart is exactly where it needs to be. There’s an energy of growth and expansion. I don’t need to worry about getting it right anymore, I can relax knowing that as I continue to practice being in presence, and in my own alignment, what I desire in terms of creating a go-to email guide, and next level content, is already falling into place. She saw Head + Heart growing in the direction of Goop but with a specifically spiritual niche. Stay tuned!!
- She saw something circling around my marketing agency, and suggested that there’s perhaps another bigger agency that has their eye on us, to possibly buy the agency. Very interesting, as we’ve been refining our business model there over the past six months.
- As far as my desire for balance, her response was that as long as I maintain my priorities (my kids, writing, spiritual life, breathwork practice) the ease and balance I desire regarding my work with Head + Heart and my agency, will happen.
This session with Maribeth was incredibly affirming, and actually gave me the physical sensation of tapping into my own intuition in a stronger way.
Book an Akashic Records Reading with Maribeth
If you’re curious what 2022 has in store, Maribeth recently shared this Akashic Records Channelling on 2022, and it offers some intriguing predictions on this ‘year of reconsideration’. If there’s any area of your own life that you’d like guidance around, you can set up an Akashic Reading for yourself, by booking with Maribeth here. On February 17, she’ll be doing a unique group Akashic Records Channelling on Gratitude. Learn more here.