The Akashic records are considered to be your soul’s records, containing lifetime(s) of past and present information and energies that can be accessed for guidance in this lifetime, to support the healing of your soul in all lifetimes. The Akashic Records are basically an energetic library of information that contain the details of your soul and its journey. The only criteria for accessing the Akashic Records is a willingness to do so, according to author and Akashic guide Linda Howe, who developed the ‘pathway prayer’ which is used by many Akashic Records guides around the world to open the records and receive information.

My own interest in the Akashic Records started a few years ago, when I heard a podcast interview with Baljit Rayat. In that interview, Baljit was talking about her own path to personal empowerment, and how grateful she was for the wisdom she discovered through her records. I’ve since had several Akashic Records readings, and have read Linda Howe’s book How to Read the Akashic Records as well as Ashley and Ben Wood’s modern-day take on the Akashic Records, called The Line – both offer great information and guidance.

If you’re at a crossroads in your life and wanting to call in soul-level support, an Akashic Records reading is a powerful, sometimes incredibly activating way to give yourself support. My own readings have brought me clarity in the most unexpected and powerful ways.

In this article, I’m sharing a round up of recommended Akashic Records readers – all of whom I’ve personally had sessions with. Each brings a unique ability to work with intuition, energy, mediumship, and the “keepers” of the records themselves, to bring their clients messages, healing, and direction.

What’s interesting about the Akashic Records as a modality, is that there’s not one set way to do an Akashic Records reading: each reader brings their own unique gifts to the table. While some people leave a reading feeling they’ve received a direct answer to a big question, others leave feeling more in tune with their own deeper knowing and intuition. Read on for the Akashic Records readers that get the Head + Heart stamp of approval : )

Baljit Rayat | Lotus Destiny

Known as a powerful healer, Baljit describes the Akashic Records as “the energetic records of your Soul that hold all the information about who you really are.” Baljit says the records contain every word, thought, action, event, emotion and belief system you’ve ever had. In a session with Baljit, she helps people access their Akashic Records to receive information, and to understand their blocks and limitations, in order to gain insights about possible choices so they can co-create (with the Divine) a better outcome. People come to Baljit to transform their relationships with loved ones, their career, and even financial status. What sets Baljit apart is her emphasis on working with the Divine as the best way to heal at the deepest level. Connect with Baljit to book a reading here. 

Gabrielle Bentley | Becoming Intuitive

Gabrielle describes the Akashic records as “Spiritual Google” for your soul. What makes Gabrielle’s readings unique is that she’s also a psychic medium, and says there are 1000’s of beings out there wanting to help us. She began the session diving right into what she saw for me, and what her guides shared. She had actually opened up the records before I joined the Zoom, and she really jumped right in with all that she received from her guides. My session with Gabrielle delivered more than a message – it helped me tune into the places in my body that are ready to be activated in new ways. She shared a powerful vision of what I’m creating with Head + Heart, and ways I can bring even more ease and joy into the process. With any session, I recommend coming with questions and specifics that you’re looking for guidance around, and then opening up to seeing what comes through. Connect with Gabrielle to book a reading here. 

Maribeth Stephens | Akashic Balance

If you’re ready to make a big shift, and want to know about the guidance available, I highly recommend booking with Maribeth Stephens. At a pivotal time, I reached out to ask Maribeth about Head + Heart’s growth/expansion, and how to have more balance with my work. In response to each question I asked, Maribeth received an image, and shared her intuited, channelled insights from the Akashic records. Overall, the takeaways she shared with me helped to strengthen my own intuition, and her insights were incredibly supportive and resonant. I truly felt into all of the guidance that’s here in the universe to support me. Connect with Maribeth to learn more about her work here.

Natalie Hayes | Intuitively Natalie

Note: I haven’t done a session with Natalie myself- but she comes highly recommended by my friend Hannah from Three Moon Collective this review is from Hannah. Many Akashic readers use a prayer to access and open up the Akashic records, but Natalie uses a modality called PSYCH-K® – which means she essentially becomes a surrogate for the energy coming through. In her words, “PSYCH-K® enables me to really feel into the energy of your soul, in this lifetime and others, because of the physical energetic embodiment I’m able to hold via the process of surrogation.”  Having worked as a registered Nurse for over 8 years prior to becoming an Akashic reader, she calls her work as a reader far more powerful, because she’s able to help people transform old trauma in a way that immediately improves their lives. While people do receive guidance and direction from sessions with Natalie, they also leave with a new depth of self-awareness, so they’re more prepared to meet themselves where they are now – and in the future. Book a session with Natalie here

Anita Lee | Akashic Reader

Anita Lee has an incredibly unique gift for reading the Akashic Records. She begins each reading with a grounding meditation to help each client connect within. She then opens up your unique records and invites you to bring your questions, using a combination of the Akashic guidance that comes through along with her own clairvoyant gifts to answer each question that you bring. When I booked a session with Anita, I wanted support to understand and shift old patterns of fear that had been coming up. She provided a completely different perspective than I was expecting, and through the visuals she shared, I was shown how to release a very old deep pattern simply by shifting my awareness to my own Light, connection with God, and my innate healing abilities. She also explained that I was caught in a dual mindset where I was compartmentalizing different elements of my life, but that the compartmentalization was not true, it was only a mental construct, and everything I’ve created is essentially for the same purpose. The reading with Anita helped me to trust myself, and my gifts, and to release that pattern of fear that I’d been stuck in for about a month! It was powerful. You can book a session with Anita by emailing her at @ She also offers intuitive photography packages.

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I’m really curious how many of you have experienced an Akashic record reading? I’d love to know if you’ve had an experience, or if you decide to book a reading with any of these Akashic guides.

Until next time! – Monica